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Project consortium consists of six partners from Finland, Germany, Portugal and Romania.

VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd (VTT) is a state owned and controlled non-profit limited liability company. VTT carries out research and innovation activities for the needs of industry and knowledge-based society. In 2018, VTT’s turnover was 268 million € and, with highly educated personnel of 2049. VTT has been active in space borne earth observation since early 1970’s. We are specialized in forest and winter navigation applications. We coordinate the Forestry Thematic Exploitation platform F-TEP.

UNIQUE forestry and land use GmbH (Ltd) is an internationally leading German consulting company for forest management and sustainable land use, focusing on forestry, timber industries, agriculture and rural development. UNIQUE was established in 1998 and is headquartered in Freiburg, Germany with subsidiary companies in Paraguay and Uganda. The international orientation of UNIQUE ensures the permanent exchange of knowledge, methodologies, techniques and experiences. Since the company was founded, UNIQUE has successfully completed over 650 projects in 75 countries.

Instituto Superior de Agronomia (ISA, School of Agriculture) is a research faculty of University of Lisbon in the fields of Agriculture, Forestry, Food, Animal Production, Environmental Engineering, Biology and Landscape Architecture. The academic staff includes ca. 133 professors. The Forest Research Centre (CEF) with 85 Ph.D. members, is a research unit devoted to the integrated investigation of forests and related ecosystems, forest products and forest-based services.

Simosol Oy is a privately owned Finnish company founded in 2007. Simosol offers software development and analysis services for the forestry, agriculture and renewable energy sectors. Simosol is the developer of Iptim (Integrated Planning for Timberland Management), a planning software suite specifically tailored for the forestry sector. Simosol’s 17 member personnel include expert programmers and analysts with Master’s Degrees and PhDs in computing, forestry and business administration.

University of Helsinki (UHelsinki) is a European research university with over 36,000 students and 8,000 staff. UHelsinki ranks among the top 80 universities worldwide. The Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry is expert in the responsible use of renewable natural resources both in Finland and worldwide. The work of the Forest Modelling Group at DFS ( focuses on forest structure, growth and ecosystem material balances, utilizing dynamic modelling, advanced data-model assimilation techniques and spatial and temporal scaling.

The National Institute for Research and Development in Forestry (INCDS) “Marin Drăcea” was established in 1933. INCDS is certified as part of the Research and Development System of National Importance and as a Excellence Centre at national level in the field of Forest Biology and Forest Management. It is licensed for forest management planning, ecological reconstruction and watershed management, forest risk assessment, forest cartography, geodesics and photogrammetry, seeds quality and conservation, pesticides testing on behalf of forest certifying purposes. In 2018, INCDS’s had 848 personnel staff, of which 65 PhDs, and is active in using air and space borne imagery for research and development studies on forest vegetation.

Forest Flux project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 821860.